Mosaic Orientation and Online Ranger Training

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โฃโฃโฃ๏ปฟSo you're coming to Mosaic this year? Is it your first time? Or are you a diehard Burner, ready to flex your Participation muscles and help make this year's Burn great for everyone by volunteering for Rangers?โฃโฃโฃ

Either way, we've got you covered with our Mosaic Orientation and Online Ranger Training Zoom Sessions that are happening before you even step foot on the Razorgrass (that's what us Experimenters call our Playa). Read on to get the details on these two pre-burn events we're putting on just for you!โฃโฃโฃ

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โฃโฃโฃAre you attending Mosaic for the first time? Maybe it's your first burn of any kind? Do you have questions about Mosaic, Burning Man or Burning Man culture?โฃโฃโฃ

โฃโฃโฃ๏ปฟHave you been to many burns and have some stories to share? Are you looking for a theme camp to join? Are you a theme camp looking for members? Are you an artist that needs volunteers to get your project to Mosaic or the Big Burn?โฃโฃโฃ

โฃโฃโฃHave no fear! Mosaic Orientation and Town Hall will be held on ๐’๐š๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐๐š๐ฒ, ๐’๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ฌ๐ญ, ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ at ๐Ÿ‘:๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ฉ๐ฆ ๐„๐’๐“ over Zoom at:โฃโฃโฃ

โฃโฃโฃCome get educated and acculturated. Meet fellow first timers as well as seasoned veterans and discover more about Mosaic, the big Burn and the 10 principles of Burning Man. This will be hosted by Mistress Colleen, our Greeter Lead, along with The LLC of Mosaic and several department Leads.โฃโฃโฃ

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โฃโฃโฃIn an effort to respect our participants time on site, we are offering a virtual zoom training for rangers this year. โฃโฃโฃ

โฃโฃโฃThe session will be about an hour long, and we will go over the basics of ranger training. This is excellent information for both the crusty, playa covered veteran or the bright eyed new burner alike. โฃโฃโฃ

โฃโฃโฃCome join us for a talk about Rangers, what we are, what we do, what we don't do, and how you can help! โฃโฃโฃ

โฃโฃโฃOnline Ranger training will be held on ๐’๐ฎ๐ง๐๐š๐ฒ, ๐’๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“๐ญ๐ก, ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ at ๐Ÿ”:๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ฉ๐ฆ ๐„๐’๐“, with a possible second session occurring before the event (details to come). Attend the training over Zoom at:

Mosaic Experiment 2024 is Right Around the Corner! Make Sure You...

Hey there folks, we are just over a month away from Mosaic Experiment 2024: Lost & Found and just want to remind you of some important deadlines and details before we all head Home to the glory that is the Razorgrass!

First: If you haven't already done so... BUY YOUR TICKETS. No ticket, no entry. Doesn't matter if you pick up a volunteer shift or if you're someone's former roommate's brother's second-cousin twice removed. You must have a ticket to attend. Get them HERE

Sales end September 24th.

Detail the 2nd: If you are planning on Volunteering for a shift before the start of the event (or one at or before gate opens the day of), you need to get signup for that shift by September 3rd. Click here now if this applies to you.

Detail Number 3: That being said, if you have one of those shifts or are part of the effigy team or a large camp that may need extra time to set up, you need to make sure you have submitted your Early Entry Request Forms by September 10th. Registrations for everything from firepits, car/rv camping, theme camps, large art instalations, you name it, are also due by September 10th. Luckily, both of those forms can be found right here.

The 4th Detail: Submissions for the What, When, Where close on September 17th, so if you want your special event listed in the WWW when it's published pre-event, you need to fill out that form here before the deadline: CLICK ME!

Online Volunteer Signups also close on September 17th. You can always sign up for a shift at the event by visiting the hubub but doing so makes all of our lives so much easier and we can all relax a little more when we're there. Please go sign up for a shift and raise the Volunteer Frogometer to maximum hops, we have a lot of shifts to fill and we're running out of time and freaking out about it. PLEASE CLICK AND SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER

Lastly, we are in need of your donations to the Need-Based Tickets Fund. We are currently $1800 short of funding all of the requests we received and the deadline to donate is September 17th. That means if we can all pool together and raise $600 per week from now until then, we can make sure that everyone gets to go this year. Let's get some Communal Effort going on this, yea?

Donate directly via PayPal to

Volunteer Sign-Ups OPEN NOW!

What makes a Burn successful? You do! Our event is 100% volunteer run and you in the community are the reason Mosaic Experiment shines brighter every year with your incredible Participation and Communal Effort. To keep up this great work, why not head over to the Volunteer Sign-ups page HERE to get your shifts scheduled early this year? It's one less thing you'll have to worry about later. ONE BURNER, ONE SHIFT!

Also, a reminder that the What, When, Where is now open for you to submit your theme camp or solo events to the community calendar so people know when to head over to your neck of the woods during the Experiment. You can find that HERE

Another reminder, Registrations for your theme camps, art installations, car and RV camping, fire pits, and early entry are all accepting your applications HERE. Go register now! Please, before you forget about it and have to take your entire theme camp to the far end of the Back-40 because Placement didn't know you needed a spot.

Last but not least, if you find yourself with a few bucks to spare this week, why not pay it forward to the community by donating to our Need-Based Tickets Program to keep Mosaic Experiment Radically Inclusive. Donate via our PayPal at More info on the program can be found HERE

Registrations, Early Entry, and the What, When, Where

Hey guess what folks? Registrations for theme camps, RV/car camping, art installations, fire pits, and anything else you think we might need to know about, are open over at the registration page.

The Early Entry Request Form is also accepting your applications at that same page.

Additionally, the What, When, Where is up and accepting submissions so you can get your theme campโ€™s or individual events that youโ€™d like attendees to know about during the Experiment on the calendar. You can find that here.

Art Grant, Effigy, & Temple Grants Application Deadline Extended to August 18th

Currently we've only had 3 applications for an Art Grant submitted to the selection committee and no Effigy or Temple applications!

This is a big problem as without these applications, we will have no Effigy, no Temple, and very little art at Mosaic this year.

To help prevent this from happening, we've extended the deadline for applications to Sunday, August 18th, 2024 for Art Grants, Effigy, and Temple.

That way, those of you that are attending Lakes this year can also get a chance to decomp and submit your applications with plenty of time to write up your ideas.

So head on over to the Art Grants Page before August 18th for your shot at getting a grant to create something truly inspiring for Mosaic Experiment 2024: Lost & Found!

Tier 1 Tickets Have SOLD OUT! Tier 2 Tickets Are Now Available!

Tier 1 Tickets have sold completely out before our June 18th deadline, which means you all must be really looking forward to this year's Mosaic Experiment. And how can we blame you? This year is shaping up to be the best Mosaic to date.

Tier 2 Tickets are now available to on our website for those of you that still need a ticket to the event, and don't worry, we don't have a lottery system to purchase, just visit our ticketing page at: to get your Tier 2 Tickets today!

Also keep in mind that our Need-Based Tickets Program is needing your donations in order to keep up with the requests we've been getting. Donate directly to the fund via our PayPal at: Every little bit of Communal Effort you contribute helps us reach our goal for fully funding the program.

Tier 1 Tickets Are On Sale Now!

Tier 1 Tickets Are On Sale Now!

Can you believe it? Now is the time to get your tickets to Mosaic Experiment 2024: Lost and Found as we are now selling them at our Tier 1 pricing until June 18th (or earlier if we sell out).

Also be sure to check out the new 13-17 year old Young Adult Tickets for if you plan on bringing your teen to Mosaic this year. More info and ticket ordering can be found by clicking the button above.

Need-Based Tickets Open to Requests

Head over to the NBT Page for more info on the program and the request form to fill out.

With requests open, itโ€™s important to also mention that we are in need of donations to help fund the program, as it is largely community driven. Every little bit helps and your Communal Effort keeps our event Radically Inclusive. Donations can be made directly through PayPal to

Read the Updated Survival Guide and FAQ

What does it take to be Radically Self-Reliant at Mosaic Experiment? Step 1 is to familiarize yourself with our Survival Guide and FAQ. Oh, you read it last year? Thatโ€™s awesome! We just updated it for this year, so read it again!

Art Grants Are Live!

Art Grants are now open and accepting your applications! Click here to fill out your application for funds to build this year's effigy, temple, or something uniquely you that will bring our theme, Lost and Found, to life!

Mosaic Experiment celebrates the art and creative contributions of folks from all walks of life and backgrounds. In order to embrace our principles of Radical Inclusion and Communal Effort, we sponsor these grants to help ensure that everyone who wants to, has a chance to build and bring their artistic visions to the event.

Deadline for Art Grant Applications is June 30th.

Deadline for Effigy and Temple Applications is July 23rd.

Looking for inspiration? Check out the last half of the video to watch the effigy burn from last year's Celestial Chaos event, titled Fallen Angels.

Mosaic Experiment 2024's Winning Theme Is...


Receiving an overwhelming 50% of the votes for first choice, Lost & Found has officially been declared the winning theme for this year's Mosaic Experiment.

Throughout our journey, there is a recurring theme: we often lose ourselves amidst life's chaos, only to rediscover both ourselves and our chosen kin. We misplace belongings at home, only to stumble upon them unexpectedly later.

Lost & Found lends itself to a myriad of interpretations, yet its overarching message remains the same: regardless of what point our life is at, there exists a space or state of mind where we feel a sense of belonging. Much of our existence is spent feeling adrift, until we encounter the embrace of this remarkable community, where self-discovery flourishes.

In honor of those whom we've Lost and the souls we've found along the way.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their ideas and for voting. Now it's time to take this theme and run with it because Art Grants will begin accepting your applications next week!

Vote For Mosaic 2024's Theme!

We received a lot of great theme submissions this year from all of you out in the community and after narrowing them down to our top five, it's your turn to cast your votes to determine what theme this year's Experiment will be!

Head over to the voting form before 8:00pm on Saturday, April 20th and pick our theme!

So what themes are you voting on?

Lost and Found

We lose ourselves in life and then we find ourselves and our chosen family. We lose our stuff at home and then we find it later when we least expect it.

There are so many ways this theme can be interpreted but the overall message is that no matter where we are in life, there is a place or a mindset that is out there, that will help us feel like we belong. We spend so much of our time feeling lost. Then we find this beautiful community where we find ourselves.

In memory of Lost and to those we've found.

Suspend Reality

Mad Marionettists mashed up with psychedelic Salvador Dalis thereby creating a surreal dimension. Everything comes with a twist. Many types of swingers hanging around... Somehow it all looks familiar but just isn't. You neek, you forick, you nanamus, you reeka!

Mosaic's "Suspend Reality" theme encourages participants to step outside of their comfort zones and explore new perspectives, whether through art, music, performance, or other forms of expression.

This theme encourages participants to let go of their preconceptions and to fully immerse themselves in the moment, to be present and open to the endless possibilities of the Mosaic Experiment, where participants can discover new dimensions of themselves and the world around them.

Perchance to Dream

Be it daydreams or nightmares, all that exists in our world first existed in someone's dream. As we sleep our dreams allow us to imagine all of creation, from fantastical universes and inventions to creatures and landscapes unknown.

Whether light or dark, colorful or monochromatic, if we embrace this power of dreaming - what communal dreamscapes can we create?

Labyrinth of Reflection

Labyrinth of Reflection beckons participants to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery within the intricate maze of their own minds. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Jungian psychology, this theme invites attendees to navigate through the labyrinthine corridors of their psyche, delving into the depths of their subconscious and confronting the shadows that dwell within.

Throughout Mosaic Experiment 2024, immersive art installations will serve as portals to the inner realms, offering poignant reflections of the multifaceted nature of the human psyche. These creations will challenge participants to explore their own complexities, prompting introspection and self-examination. Guided workshops and interactive experiences will provide opportunities for individuals to engage in shadow work, shedding light on the aspects of themselves that have long been concealed or neglected.

Through transformative processes and group discussions, attendees will confront their fears, acknowledge their vulnerabilities, and embrace the full spectrum of their being. As participants navigate the twists and turns of the labyrinth, they will encounter moments of revelation and insight, each turn offering a new perspective on the journey of self-discovery.

Ultimately, Labyrinth of Reflection serves as a catalyst for personal growth and inner transformation, inviting attendees to emerge from the shadows with a deeper understanding of themselves and the human experience.

Port of Call

The first rise of a campfire in the distance, a bird carrying a bit of leaves, the mountain you always look upon when you wake up in the morning..... After the long journey you finally have arrived and can put yourself to port for the first time in a while. How long have you been gone? Did you miss someone? Did no one miss you? Has anything changed? What will be the first thing you do after leaving the cramped quarters of your vessel?

We invite you to drop anchor and realize that you've made it. Though not everything might be better here, at the very least it will be different. Now stretch your legs and head to the place you've been dreaming of your whole long trip. Both good and bad have been waiting for you....