Mosaic Experiment 2024 is Right Around the Corner! Make Sure You...

Hey there folks, we are just over a month away from Mosaic Experiment 2024: Lost & Found and just want to remind you of some important deadlines and details before we all head Home to the glory that is the Razorgrass!

First: If you haven't already done so... BUY YOUR TICKETS. No ticket, no entry. Doesn't matter if you pick up a volunteer shift or if you're someone's former roommate's brother's second-cousin twice removed. You must have a ticket to attend. Get them HERE

Sales end September 24th.

Detail the 2nd: If you are planning on Volunteering for a shift before the start of the event (or one at or before gate opens the day of), you need to get signup for that shift by September 3rd. Click here now if this applies to you.

Detail Number 3: That being said, if you have one of those shifts or are part of the effigy team or a large camp that may need extra time to set up, you need to make sure you have submitted your Early Entry Request Forms by September 10th. Registrations for everything from firepits, car/rv camping, theme camps, large art instalations, you name it, are also due by September 10th. Luckily, both of those forms can be found right here.

The 4th Detail: Submissions for the What, When, Where close on September 17th, so if you want your special event listed in the WWW when it's published pre-event, you need to fill out that form here before the deadline: CLICK ME!

Online Volunteer Signups also close on September 17th. You can always sign up for a shift at the event by visiting the hubub but doing so makes all of our lives so much easier and we can all relax a little more when we're there. Please go sign up for a shift and raise the Volunteer Frogometer to maximum hops, we have a lot of shifts to fill and we're running out of time and freaking out about it. PLEASE CLICK AND SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER

Lastly, we are in need of your donations to the Need-Based Tickets Fund. We are currently $1800 short of funding all of the requests we received and the deadline to donate is September 17th. That means if we can all pool together and raise $600 per week from now until then, we can make sure that everyone gets to go this year. Let's get some Communal Effort going on this, yea?

Donate directly via PayPal to