Open Lead Callouts are now live!
/ Want to burn all year? VOLUNTEER!
Mosaic Experiment, the event, is the result of a lot of year-round work by Mosaic Organizers (also referred to as MORG.)
Some of the MORG work exclusively on site, but others work offsite for most of the year because, like so many of you, they don't want the burn to stop!
The MORG is not just an organization planning Mosaic. The MORG burns all year, resulting in Mosaic.
Burning year-round isn't just desired to create Mosaic, it's required! Mosaic cannot sustain its continued growth without the participants who dedicate their passionate enthusiasm to creating an even more awesome event.
Do you want to burn all year? Are you a wizard wishing to make Mosaic more magical?
We have many opportunties for you!
How will you participate?