2017 THEME: Submit your ideas!
/SUGGEST A THEME for our next Experiment: October 5 - 8, 2017.
In 2014 we mined the hive for its wisdom and secrets. In 2015, we defied gravity together with Mothership Love, an effigy that spun us to new heights. In 2016, you took us to the Future Past. Where will you take us next? Submit your theme idea for Mosaic Experiment 2017.
HYPOTHESIS: The Burn is always better next year, right? ;) , and your theme idea can help make that a reality.
ABSTRACT: The options are limitless, submit a theme that inspires our community to create, connect, participate and explore. Include a description that makes your vision clear.
VARIABLE: You! A Burn is nothing without the creativity and imagination of participants like you. The only limit for the year's theme is the farthest reach of your mind.
CONSTANT: Submissions accepted until MONDAY, APRIL 3 at 11:59 pm.
METHOD: Submit your theme suggestion and description via this handy form., wait and see what unfolds, and be sure to join us for Mosaic Experiment 2017 from October 5 - 8 at Reclaim!